About the company

" Listen, Listen..This wonderful sound brings me back to my true self." Thich Nhat Hahn

About the Company

All through history, the power of sound has been acknowledged , honored, and explored for its physical, emotional, and spiritual effects on eliminating inner dissonance and nurturing harmony in the body. The vibrations of sound affect our thoughts, our feelings, and how we experience the world. Sound creates balance and healing~~ moving in waves penetrating our being at a cellular level. 

Our body is the only constant in our life, it is the foundation of our Earthly existence. Energizing our body enriches our lives by enhancing our capacity for expansion. Consciously bringing our breath under control for healing opens up a whole new world when combined with the healing frequency waves of sound. 

Surfing waves in life and healing on waves of sound have inspired me to share the benefits of breathwork combined with sound to  increase our longevity and vitality, cellular regeneration, emotional and mental well-being, and trauma resolution. Clearing away emotional and physical fatigue in the body enables us to declutter our being and experience more joy in daily life, reduce/eliminate compulsive behaviors, increase our self awareness, and strengthen our ability to live a healthier, more energized life. 

Breathe, smile, and live fully in the present moment. Sacred sound creates change in everyday life.

Create the life experience you want. Love, joy, and happiness are only available at this moment. 

Amy is a certified Sound Therapy and Healing Practitioner specializing in  Energic and Therapeutic healing. She also holds certifications in  breathwork techniques, meditation , Makko Ho, and yoga. She holds a  BS degree in Social Sciences and is a 200 hour CYT. Member of the CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association .


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